Friday 25 September 2009

Handover again

The latest Handover Carnival has arrived over at Life Under the Lights. It's a collection of hilarious stories entitled Funniest. Call. Ever. Have a read and a good laugh.

When you're done, get your thinking caps on, as next month's Handover is being held by yours truly. The theme is "Kids - Seen but Not Hurt". Any calls, from funny to sad, sombre to heroic, anything child related. Kids are in my eyes the most precious possession we have both as individuals and as a society, and it's our job to protect them. So tell me how you go about it. Don't forget that there is now also an open entry section, for anything EMS related. I'd particularly like to hear from non-EMS personnel who may read this blog with regards any experiences they may have had with Emergency medicine.
Email your entries to . I look forward to them all with baited breath.
EDIT: Forgot to write the closing date: Monday, 26th October.
To be published on Friday 30th.


Anonymous said...

i tend to think more about the complete disregard some people seem to have for the safety of their kids, the most common being kids sitting on adults' laps in cars.

as i've said before in a comment to one of your previous posts, some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

on the other hand, i also believe that kids are to a certain extent too cocooned today, compared to say 20-30 years ago when we were kids, but that's a whole separate matter.

Ckemtp said...

Thanks for the link buddy. I'm already thinking up my post for next month's handover. Dunno if I have anything that fits, so I'm planning on writing something new.

So you'll be getting 100% Grade A new, fresh Ck content. Lucky you :)

Can't wait.

Crusty said...

Next month should be an exciting, and possibly tear-jerking, month for the Blog Carnival. However, I'm fairly irrate that you failed to submit a post for this month's blog carnival. You write one of the few EMS blogs I would recommend to people, other than my own. And you let me down.


InsomniacMedic said...

CK - look forward to it!
Crusty - I did submit a post, but the other's were obviously judged to be funnier... :-D Sorry to let you down, but thanks for recommending me to others!

flobach said...

I thought children should be obscene and not heard...