Wednesday 29 September 2010

Room Service?

So you want to know what sort of calls we attend on a daily basis?

All the gore and guts?

All the mess and misery?

All the sadness and strife?

You sure you're ready for this?

Well, here's a photo of a real call I attended not very long ago.

Take into account that I only work nights.

Room Service, anyone?


Fee said...

Okay, I'll have two bacon rolls and a nice cup of coffee, ta. Bring them round for me ...

Seriously, the 999 services need to be able to tell these "people" to get off the line and take action if they keep calling. I don't grudge paying for the NHS out of my taxes, because I use it as well, but I use it appropriately. Anyone abusing it like this should have the service withdrawn.

Sarah Glenn said...

It's gotta be cheaper than meds, though!

Tom102 said...

This absolutely beggers belief.

Anonymous said...

I'm in shock!!


Anonymous said...

Still doesn't beat the one we had.
"hello ambulance, what's the problem"

"can you turn my tv channel over?"

"we were told you chest pain?"

"nah, just said that as knew would get an ambulance, now can you turn my tv channel"


Anonymous said...

For some reason, I am suddenly hungry for the blueberry scones I made a few days ago...

Medical Transcription said...

Its great and good room....
Thank you for the post..

TOTWTYTR said...

One of our elite 9-1-1 operators put in, and one of our brilliant radio dispatchers sent out, a call to a local nursing home for someone who called to complain that the staff wasn't coming to change and clean her quickly enough.

Fortunately, our shift leader ordered the response canceled.