Thursday 6 August 2009


Work's been exceptionally busy recently, and it's not uncommon these days to see upwards of a dozen ambulances sitting outside the hospital at any one time, all waiting to hand the patient over to hospital staff. Probably explains why, being a single responder on a car, I seem to be waiting longer and longer for crews to come to my rescue. Whilst sitting outside the local A&E department the other night, I decided that we needed a name. What we need is an ambulance-related collective noun. Lions parade in prides. Geese gather in gaggles. Bees swarm in a... swarm.
So what would you have for a group of ambulances? I'll kick off with "A Skive of Ambulances", and hope that it translates ok outside of the UK...
If you need some ideas look here, especially at the bottom of the page for "some that might be" . Look forward to some of your suggestions!


Anonymous said...

wikianswers gives the rather boring answer "fleet". (and interestingly google's already indexed this page, i'm impressed!) but i agree that it needs to be something... better. maybe "a sickness of ambulances" or "an emergency of ambulances".

oh, and to clarify, i'm the first and third anonymous on the previous posting, who definitely knows who you are, and you know who i am, or you would, if i was using my name!

Anonymous said...

A REAP of ambulances.....

Anonymous said...

a fate, a plight, a standby of ambulances?

Anonymous said...

An "ORCON times down the drain" of ambulances?

Anon said...

A "siren" of ambulances? Like a temptress, ambuklances have the abiltity to take you where you may or may not wish to go, do so with you in a complete haze (drug induced), and of course, do so noisily.

Anonymous said...

"A vessel of ambulances"

Anonymous said...

A "puke" of ambulances

Paramedic Pete said...

The correct collective noun is a 'Whinge' of Ambo's. No one can do it quite as well.

Anonymous said...

A resusitation of ambulances?

Anonymous said...

a bout of ambulances

Shade said...

The one we use on duties is "A Herd of Ambuli" :D

InsomniacMedic said...

If I had to choose - I'd say equal first place would have to go to anonymous with "a reap of ambulances", as well as paramedic pete with "a whinge...". Both inspired ideas... Thank you all!