Thursday 17 December 2009

Shock Tactics

It's a change in behaviour that we need to aim at the younger, grass-roots members of society.

Before they start exhibiting that behaviour.

Maybe, just maybe, this is one way of doing it.

Good Luck.


Eileen said...

Yes - in theory. But note the audience he'd used. They aren't exactly the kids you find in the Big Market in Newcastle, and even less like the ones on the corners and in the parks and back streets of the more deprived areas of Britain. And for many of those boys, especially, they have little prospect of a job where a scar is going to make much difference. They are the ones who drink and do drugs for oblivion, to forget, as they believe they have been forgotten. That awful video of what happens when you text while driving hasn't made a lot of difference yet according to the figures they came out with last week about the amount of phone use when driving compared to before it becoming an offence.
I wish there was a way to dissuade kids from the binge drinking and making a disgusting exhibition of themselves - but I doubt it's as simple as this sllide show.

InsomniacMedic said...

I totally agree with you that it isn't a simple matter. But we have to try something. The audience in this case may not have been an inner-city school, but I'm sure they've been there too.
As far as the mobile phone issue is concerned, there's also an element of people not thinking that they'll get caught. How many people have you heard of who've been stopped? I know of only one, yet see it all the time.
Here's hoping that some of the message gets across to some of the people, at least some of the time!

Ross said...

I provided first aid cover for a similar event, aimed at school children about to start driving.

Several kids fainted, and it definetly seemed to have made an impression.
Scare tactics like this may be the only way to get through. I can certainly remember the story of the couple who lost their daughter, and the images were not pleasant.

It was ironic for me, a 17yo university student to be there and not treated the same way the school kids were. Suppose a uniform goes a long way.