Tuesday 19 January 2010

Normal Service

Due to technical stupidity and incompetence, as well as some other unwanted problems, I've had to close down my twitter account and start up a new one. You are more than welcome to follow the newly restarted and originally renamed account at @insomniacmedic1. Yup, the 1 makes all the difference. Apologies to those of you who thought that I'd dropped out of the ether, which I kind of had done, but I'm now back.
Along the same lines, I've had to change my email address as well. So should the spirit take you - feel free to email at insomniacmedic [at] gmail [dot] com.
Oh, and while I'm at it - I now feel that I have finally arrived in the world of blogosphere - I had my first ever spam comment yesterday! Woohoo!
But for now, normal service is resumed...


SueC said...

hmm - just caught up on last 5 posts together; interesting mix as ever. Well done

PS - can't find your twitter name as you've put it here

InsomniacMedic said...

twitter name should work! i do presume you tried it without the @ symbol??? :S